Chapter10: HowtoWorkinDifferentTimezones 100 3. Spread Across Time ZonestoWorkAroundtheClock The sun never sets on the British empire—even today—and it doesn’t need to set on your company, either. Aside from the few weeks every year when we’re all together at our company retreats, there’s always someone at Zapier awakeandworking.Timezonecoverageisjustsomethingthat’sautomatically possible with remote teams. TheZapiermarketingteam,forexample,worksfromBangkok,KualaLumpur, Minneapolis, Omaha, Austin, Raleigh, New York, Toronto, San Francisco, Port- land, and other cities. That makes scheduling meetings difficult, but we can handoffworktokeepthewheelsturning24/7.Icanwriteanarticleduringthe dayinBangkok,andmyteammateMelanieinNewYorkcanedititwhileIsleep. BythetimeIwakeup,I’vegotcorrectionstoworkon.Atthesametime,Danny in Omahacanbeginworkingwithanewpartnerduringtheday,andIcanpick uptheremainingtasksassoonashequitsworkat5p.m.histime. Jon Russell, a Bangkok-based reporter for TechCrunch, says remote work is
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