Chapter12: HowtoThriveasanExtrovertonaRemoteTeam 138 of our communicationiswrittenintoolslikeSlack.WhileIlovecommunicating via emojis, it’s not the same type of communication that feeds my extroverted soul. In a remote world, you have to be intentional about in-person socialization. This can come in a variety of ways for extroverts on our Zapier team: I’marunnerandmyrunninggroupisthewayIsocializeandde-stress,soImake timeforit. I also prioritize meetups, hackathons, and professional groups that relate to my development as a Product Manager. Andra Roston, Customer Champion, also prioritizes spending time with groups: “One of the best things about working remotely is that it leaves me the social energy for the times I want. I crossfit and do theatre, both of which are social activities.” CodyJones, Head of Partnerships, relies on his home base and community ecosystem:“Ihave3boysthatlovetorough-house,play,andgetintoallsorts of mischief. I see my parents and siblings each weekend as well. I’m also very involvedinmylocalcommunity—I’mascoutleaderwhichmeansIspendabout 4hourseachweekwithabunchofboysandtheirparents.” TimAnderson,ChiefGrowthOfficer,isintentionalaboutmakingplans:“Itry hard to plan to meet up with friends. In remote work, you no longer have the easy, ‘who wants to grab a beer after work?’ thing going, so that requires a lot moreplanning.” Whetherit’ssports,ahobby,orhangingoutwithfamilyandfriends,recognize these activities are the primary way you’ll recharge—and prioritize them ap- propriately. Prioritize your social activities, because they are a form of self-care. It’s easytoblowoffsocialactivities whenyou’vebeenworkinginyourpajamasall dayandyourNetflixqueueisfull.Whichbringsmetomynexttip… PutYourShoesOn Literally, putyourshoesoninthemorning.I’mtwiceaslikelytoleavethehouse if I stick to my morning routine and get dressed. Whether I plan to work from

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