Chapter12: HowtoThriveasanExtrovertonaRemoteTeam 137 Peopleoftenconfusebeingextrovertedwithbeinganoutgoingperson.Anda lot of times the two traits do go hand-in-hand. But to me, being extroverted isn’t about being outgoing. It describes the way an individual gains and loses energy. Nothing gives me more energy than socializingandcollaboratingwithmyfriendsandcoworkers.WhenIwalkoutof ameeting, I feel inspired, energized, and ready to take on the world. Personal interactions are the way I recharge. This posed a problem for me about a year ago when I joined Zapier, an all- remoteteam.TheremoteaspectofmyjobprovidesmanybenefitsIenjoy,but the lack of in-person contact has been a real challenge for me. WiththehelpofmyZapiercoworkers,I’vedevelopedafewpracticesthatIfind vital to my day-to-day well being. Here are our best practices for thriving as an extrovert on an all-remote team. ConsiderSocialActivities as a Form of Self-Care When I worked in an office environment, I could be passive about social interactionbecauseitwasaninherentpartofmyday.Onaremoteteam,much