Chapter9: HowtoFindYourOptimalWorkEnvironmentandBoostProductivity 91 Youprobablyalreadyknowwhattimesofdaysuityoubest,butifnot,it’sworth exploringsincebeingtiredwillhurtyourperformance.Ihadalwayslikedbeing upearlybutIwasn’tsuremybodywasnaturallyinclinedthatwayuntilItested starting my day later (which definitely isn’t for me). Althoughweallhavedifferentcircadianrhythms,mostofushaveanaturaldip in energy in the afternoon. So if you notice yourself moving slowly or feeling unmotivatedafterlunch,takeheartinthefactthatit’snotjustyou. Once you have a good idea of how your internal body clock works and how your energy naturally rises and falls throughout the day, you can use this information to plan a more productive workday. For instance, if you find working late at night suits you, plan your biggest tasks or your most intense projects for that period. If mornings work for you, you may need to get up earlier for some interruption-free focus time. I often need a nap in the afternoon, so I’ve found that planning to work on major tasks before lunch and working from home where I can duck off for a half hour nap suits me best.
The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work Page 94 Page 96