Chapter9: HowtoFindYourOptimalWorkEnvironmentandBoostProductivity 90 TimeofDay TimeofDay Asmoreofusareworkingremotely,joiningco-workingspacesorworkingfrom homethesedays,wehavemoreflexibilitytoworkatthetimeswhenwe’remost productive.Wecanfinallypayattentiontowhathelpsusdomore,betterwork. Tostart with, we all have a built-in body clock called a circadian rhythm that runs a little differently to everyone else’s. This is what determines whether we’renightowlsormorninglarks.Dependingonhowyourinternalbodyclock runs, you could be more suited to a particular part of the day. Generally speaking, we all start out being most suited to early mornings, and our body clocks slip later during adolescence, when we prefer to sleep in and stay up late. As we become adults, some of us hang on to these night owl tendencies, othersbecomeextrememorninglarks,andmostofusslideintoacomfortable middleground.

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