Chapter3:HowtoBuildCulturein aRemoteTeam Whenitcomestoremoteteams,cultureisahugetopic.Commonknowledge suggests that co-located teams have an easier time building culture compared to remote teams. In fact, I’ve even had co-located teams tell me their culture problems were solved by simply buying a foosball table. Though I challenge the truthiness of that statement, I don’t think there’s a quick path to building company culture, andremoteteamscertainlyaren’tanexception. Withco-locatedteams,it’seasytoignoreculturebuildingwiththeexpec- tationthatitwillnaturallyhappen.In99%ofsituations(madeupnumber), this is simply not true, but by the time a co-located team realizes it, it might be toolate to repair their culture. With a distributed team you know going in that culture will be hard to build. As a remote team, you don’t delude yourself thinking that culture will magicallyhappen.Yougoineyeswideopen.Ifastrongculturedoesn’tdevelop