Chapter1: HowtoRunaRemoteTeam 10 ManyteamsdotheseweeklymeetingsasAll-HandsMeetings.Inaremoteteam that’s across manytimezones,thisbecomesanexclusionaryevent.Asaresult, this meeting becomes more about camaraderie and showing off the work of the company. We record these so folks who can’t attend are able to catch up. Butwe’recarefultoavoidcorestrategictopicswhichtypicallyarediscussedin Slack, Async, or a Zoom call that can make sure to incorporate all the relevant teammatesforthatdecision. 4. Pair Buddies As we’ve grown, it can be harder to know all your teammates. One easy way to mitigate that is to have folks on the team get paired up with one other teammate or two at random each week for a short pair call. We use Donut in Slack for this to chat about life, work, or whatever random thing seems interesting. Sometimes cool new product features come out of these, other times it’s just good fun. Regardless, it helps everyone better know their teammates. 5. WeeklyOne-on-Ones In every job I ever had (even co-located ones), there wasn’t enough feedback between me and my supervisor. So at Zapier, we set up a recurring weekly event with each team member I manage where we both jump on Zoom to chat about how work is going. These one-on-ones follow roughly the format outlined by the Manager Tool’s podcast. WeuseafeedbacktoolcalledSmallImprovementstorunour1:1sessions. In the past, I did one-on-ones with everyone. However, around 15 people, this gottobetoohardtokeepupwitheveryoneonameaningfullevel.At15,Isplit myfocusonthesupportandmarketingteamwhileBryanandMikefocuson the engineering and product teams respectively. As we’ve scaled, we’ve built a moretraditional management structure. So I have people in roles that report to me, including: CTO, CPO, CFO, CMO, Chief Growth Officer, Platform Lead, VPofSupport,andVPofEngineering.Thesepeopleallhaveteamsthatreport to them as well. This more formal hierarchy has helped keep everyone on the teamfeelmoreengagedwiththecompanybecausetheyhaveamanagerthat canhelpmakesuretoaligntheirowncareerinterestswiththestrategicgoals of the company. 6. A culture of accountability

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