Chapter10:HowtoWorkin Different Timezones “It’s a small world after all.” The Disney song rings true when you run into someoneatrandominacityofmillionsorwhenyoucrosstheglobeinaday. But somehow, nothing shrinks the globe like building a company with a team that’s distributed across multiple continents. Twiceayear,theZapierteamgetstogetheratacompanyretreat.Weplanwhat we’ll do next and catch up on what’s happened with our teammates over the last six months.Therestoftheyear,wemanagetoworktogetheracrossseven timezones,usingSlack,Zoom,andsomesheerefforttostayconnected. Thebestjobforyoumightnotbeinyourhometown,andyoumightworkbetter when you aren’t shackled to a 9-to-5 workday. And that’s ok with a remote position, as long as you can manage the time shift. Your team will likely get moredone,andyou’llbeabletoprovidebettersupportforyourcustomers— butyou’ll also need to figure out how to make the world feel a bit smaller. After years of working remotely—for companies in India, Canada, Australia,

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