Chapter11: HowtoAvoidBurnoutinaRemoteTeam 125 planmytaskstokeeptothehoursandcheckinwiththeofficeoften.Ievenhave mymonitordimslightlyusingthesoftwaref.luxtoletmeknowit’sgettinglate in the day and to think about finishing up. I’ve recently moved further down the east coast of Scotland, too, so I try and take regular 5 minute breaks just to stand up and look out the window at the sort-of sea view. “My home is my safe place, and I need to respect and honor it just as I try to do my own sanity by keeping a schedule.” - Mercer Smith- Looper, CampaignMonitor Alison Groves, CustomerChampionatHelpScout For myself, keeping my mind and spirits in tip top shape has everything to do with establishing a routine. I’m an early riser, so I get up at 5:30am every day, work 90 minutes, take an hour to run for a few miles and eat breakfast, then tackle the day. I also find it extremely important to have a natural end to my day, which for me is preparing dinner. I use meal delivery service Blue Apron to bring me ingredients to cook for myself or friends, and know that I have to endmydayandtakecareofmyselfinahealthfulmannerbycooking. I do my absolute best to hold steadfast to this routine whether I’m at home or on the road. Tasks get done under those constraints, and I’m putting a large importanceonmyownwellbeing. 2. Set and Stick to Priorities KateStull, Co-FounderofPopforms In the early days of Popforms, I used to work all the time. In the morning, I wouldgrabmylaptopandpullitintobedwithme,anddiveintoemailalmost as soon as I woke up. I’d work all day, sometimes forgetting to change out of
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