Chapter8: HowtoWorkFasterinaRemoteTeam 80 “Wesave, collectively, dozens of hours each week on commuting.” - Alex Turnbull, Groove Whilethisisperhapsthemost-heraldedaspectofremoteworking,itmightbe onethat’s underutilized, as well. In essence, the commute, be it 15 minutes or 50 minutes, is found as an excess when you’re remote working. Why spend timeinthecarwhenyoucangetrightdowntoitatyourhomeoffice? Applying that same principle to other activities yields a productivity boost, as well. Instead of leaving your office to grab lunch, for example, prepare it that morning,asifyouwerecommuting.Ratherthangoforcoffeeintheafternoon, rely on a thermos or switch to tea, which makes preparation easy. Look to cut excess from your team’s processes, too. Instead of holding that weekly stats recap meeting, for example, spin up an internal blog post that details the numbers.

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