Chapter11: HowtoAvoidBurnoutinaRemoteTeam 130 When you’re the decider over how you spend your hours, you also have to be more proactive about sticking to priorities and setting boundaries—that’s part of your job. I find myself returning to something Marissa Mayer says about burnout (no matter the Yahoo policy for remote work) how important it is to find your rhythm and protect it to avoid burnout. For me, that rhythm meanstakingtimetoreflectandcelebrateprogresswhenplanning,andsetting boundaries like working outside of my apartment at a co-working space or scheduling deliberate non-work time into my week. Jess Scott, Founder of jessINK Set boundaries. While it’s important to get work done in a timely manner, remote work doesn’t mean that you absolutely need to be online or available 24/7.Also,schedulesometimeforrelaxing/socializingand/orclose,supportive relationships. Remote work offers flexibility, and I appreciate the work-life balancethatcomeswiththat. 4. Take Short and Long Breaks ChaseClemons,SupportatBasecamp Take a three-day weekend every now and then. Make sure to get away from everything for a week or two each year. With our team, we recognize that sometimes you just need to get away and recharge. So every three years, we giveeachpersonathirty-daysabbatical.Regularbreaksandvacationsgoalong waytowardspreventingburnout. TomMoor,Co-FounderofSqwiggle Split your days in two. This is pretty easy to do as a remote worker, as you can workfromdifferentlocationsinthemorningandafternoon.Havinganicewalk

The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work - Page 134 The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work Page 133 Page 135