Chapter8: HowtoWorkFasterinaRemoteTeam 83 eachattendeetocomepreparedwithamemo,whichisthenreadbytheothers before the meeting starts. “Full sentences are harder to write,” Bezos says in a Fortune article. “They have verbs.Theparagraphshavetopicsentences.Thereisnowaytowriteasix-page, narratively structured memo and not have clear thinking.” If your company relies on a team chat application like Slack, you’ll see this benefit, too. “Things are more to the point,” says Zapier’s Foster. “In-person meetings tend to have lots of chit-chat, how’s the weather talk. In chat, you skip over most of that and get right to the point.” 7. Set Up Your Best Environment ThehomeofficesoftheZapierteamvarydramatically. “If youaskpeoplethequestion,‘Wheredoyoureallyneedtogowhenyouneed to get something done?’ you typically get three different kinds of answers,”

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